The depths of my story – in finding unconditional self-love and food freedom, and also becoming the coach that I am today – are rooted in the same things that have been keeping you feeling stuck all these years:
I was at a very low point in my own journey when #FindYourHappy was born.
While being in the seemingly best shape of my life (after navigating the maze of weight loss information online), I fell into a very strong self-hate trap. I thought changing my body even more is going to fix that. I thought that reaching certain gym success is going to fix that. But to no avail – I started to (very slowly) realize that was not the answer. It was those internal blocks, the doubt, the ego, the fears… that kept me spinning in circles, chasing external success and blaming everything under the sun as to why I wasn’t where I thought I *should* be. Why I did not look as I *should* have looked.
I adopted #FindYourHappy as a mantra to guide me through my own darkness. But it wasn’t until I created the FindYourHappy Method and was faced with those internal blocks yet again, this time as a coach, that I realized that all this time I was trying to FIX things… to FIX my body. To FIX my food obsessions.
And what I needed was HEALING.
Healing, Rediscovering. Learning. Trusting. Aligning.
The truth is you don’t need another diet.
You don’t need more self-control. You don’t need more rules and restrictions. It’s not about macros, or consistency, or even the 10-principles of intuitive eating.
You need space.
Space to rediscover who you truly are.
Space to stop and slow down. Space to relearn how to truly listen to your body and break through the subconscious patterns your mind is keeping you stuck in. Space to befriend all of your emotions and allow them to be there. Space to relearn how to let go.
It was that realization that allowed to me to be here for you, right now.
Not to promise you the dream body or the magical 6-week transformation. But to guide you through a deep and powerful transformation that will wake up your soul, your inner child, and bring you the FREEDOM, the CONFIDENCE, and the HAPPINESS you’ve always desired.
You are meant to be YOU
Unconditionally, unapologetically YOU. You who breaks the rules, says fuck it to the limiting standards society is surrounding you with, and moves through life with so much love and alignment.
And if you let me…
I would be honored to hold that space for you. I would be honored to guide you through the depths of this life-changing mental, emotional, and physical transformation that is going to leave you with the self-love, confidence, freedom, and happiness you’ve been chasing.